My thinking and learning style


Formalized learning styles and video game style stats applied to psychology aside, I know that I learn best under pressure and in a social environment. That is why I am glad that I am enrolled in Dev Bootcamp where I will thrive in the time pressured environment and tight social structure. My biggest struggle to this point has been trying to remain on track while we are still remote and no one is watching my back or looking at my work. Although I had to submit an extension for week 3, I am proud of how I have done so far. I just put in my two week notice at work and I am very much looking forward to actually having time to explore the challenges in depth rather then just glean the knowledge that I need to survive. I have definitely adopted the growth mindset. It feels awesome to think about how much I can learn and how much I can achieve both in terms of personal growth and accomplishments. One change in my thinking that has been most productive is the notion that if I want to do something, if I choose to set my mind to it, then it is natural that it will be accomplished and that it WILL be accomplished. That I no longer see any roadblocks to it. I used to self-handicap and look at things sort of like "well, I wish this would happen, but I don't know if I will be able to stay committed". I can't wait for the time when I can set concrete plans and watch them unfold. The fact that I have to cram things in at night and any time I can is making me learn these skills and mindset.